Big Congrats to the Larson's

I make it no secret that I adore Elsie Flannigan. I have been following her blog for alot of years. Well this past weekend she got married and it looked to be the coolest wedding I have ever seen. I think I was looking forward to seeing this wedding more
than the Royal Wedding.
From her blog. How awesome is that backdrop? Totally awesome!

This pic I found on her facebook page....SOOOOO cute!

If intersted you can go over to Rachel's (Elsie's BFF) Blog, she has some adorable pics of the wedding. I can't wait to see more pics. I wish I could get re-married an have a wedding as half as cute as hers.....maybe we will have a super cute renew our vows ceremony..... hmmmmm.

Anyways....Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Larson!
