Today We Love:

Hi there, Krystle here. You may or may not know how much I love Pandas...but Mandy sent me a pic of this panda head band the other day and I fell in love. Meet Elycia and her super cute accessories!

You should definitely go follow her blog! AND she has so many other cute things in her etsy shop, so you should visit that too! I spent forever browsing through it today, I pretty much loved every single item hehe. Here are some more of her goodies.

Isn't this the coolest idea everrr??!

Yea, HL pretty much loves her.

p.s. I made my own panda headband inspired by hers...mine lived up to it's Frankenstein name (remember I name all my first projects that...) It was also too small for my head. You can see a picture of it over on my blog

OOH p.s. again: we are sososo close to the big update. You are going to llllllove our new stuff :-).

Bye lovelies!


elycia said...

:) hello ladies! thanks so much for the mention! what a cute blog you guys have!

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